The day the tablets came: Our class walked in expecting a usual day, until our eyes set upon another cart in the front of the room. Some of us thought it was our laptop cart but not in it's usual place, but others realized that it was the tablets that we were told about earlier in the year.
That day was quite exciting! Until Mrs.Pike told the class that we didn't have the code for our tablets and we must wait till Monday. :( Since it was Friday, we asked if we could at LEAST see the new tablets, but Mrs. Pike said that good things are worth waiting for, meaning we couldn't. And she was right , they were completely worth our wait. :)
Monday morning we all rushed in and didn't take long to get ready, because we knew what was in store. Every 3 people were given a tablet and a keyboard to look at and explore. We had our new tablets out for about 2 periods and when Mrs.Pike said to put them away, we didn't want to, but she was the teacher. The next weeks were mostly us getting used to our new pieces of technology, and now we guide Mrs. Pierce's class on using the tablets! We use the tablets for researching, asking questions, doing projects and group activities, they helped us a lot when there was not enough technology in the class when we were doing work with the other class.
So once upon a time, there was a class who couldn't ever be happier with their year.

Maaheen , Imaya and Jasmine