Students in 6 Pike and 6 Seguin are solving fraction problems they created for each other. Comments like "Yes, I got it!" and, "Ooh, this one looks tricky" were heard around the room. We use the Library Learning Commons for students to collaborate on a weekly basis (and have some fun along the way).
After solving a bunch of math problems, the students had the chance to reflect and give feedback to the teachers using a strategy called Chalk Talk. There were several charts around the room with different questions students could write on, making their thinking visible. The catch? The activity had to be done silently! If students wanted to comment on another student's idea, they needed to write it on the chart paper.
Question: What has been the hardest for you in this unit?
"Keeping track when counting the colours in the hundredths grids."
"Reducing the fractions."
What do you still wonder about the math in this unit?
"I wonder how decimals, percents and fractions connect to my real life."

Question: What is the most important thing a student needs to know about decimals, percents and/or fractions?
"The most important thing to know is how to convert between fractions, percents and decimals."
"That decimals, percents and fractions can all represent the same number."
What do you need help understanding in this unit?"I need practice converting improper fractions to mixed numbers."
"I still need help putting improper fractions on a number line."
We had fun consolidating learning this way and will definitely use Chalk Talk again!
Mrs. Pike, I really enjoyed yesterday's Visit and Record. It was so much fun to look at the decimal,percent and fraction designs then later record them! Also when we later reflected about what we thought about fractions, decimals, percentages it was a new experience we had which I absolutely adored. Thank you so much! ツ